africa solar fund


ASF is a 501(c)(3) organization so all donations are tax deductible in the United States.

Solar Health Care Facilities

Africa Solar Fund is acting as Fiscal Sponsor for TanzSolar Ltd., a nonprofit corporation based in Musoma, Tanzania.

All donations to the Solar Health Care Facilities program will be forwarded to the TanzSolar Bank Account in Tanzania.

A 10% fee is charged to the TanzSolar Account to cover the expenses of the Fiscal Sponsor responsibilities.

The TanzSolar Solar Schools Program

Africa Solar Fund is acting as Fiscal Sponsor for TanzSolar Ltd., a nonprofit corporation based in Musoma, Tanzania.

All donations to the TanzSolar Solar Schools Program will be forwarded to the TanzSolar Bank Account in Tanzania.

A 10% fee is charged to the TanzSolar Account to cover the expenses of the Fiscal Sponsor responsibilities.